Pukehiki Community
The settlement of Pukehiki is situated atop the Otago Peninsula, near Dunedin, New Zealand.
Its main features are the Church, the Hall, and the Library. Pukehiki is at the intersection of Highcliff Road (the "High Road" from Dunedin to Portobello) and Camp Road (which joins Castlewood Road down to the harbour). Harbour Cone / Hereweka (very much a focal point of the Peninsula) lies 3 km north east from Pukehiki. Also nearby is Larnach Castle, 1.2km north along Camp Road.
The settlement of Pukehiki is steeped in history. Click here for an account of the district's history.
Click on the following links for more information:
- Carol Singing at Pukehiki Church - 15th Dec at 7pm
- Pukehiki Church Restoration Project
- Night Shooting for Possum Control
- Pukehiki Lawn Mowing Roster
- Local Weather Stations
- Otago Peninsula Biodiversity
- Keep Dunedin Beautiful Award
- Pukehiki Recycling Centre closed
- Milky Way over Dunedin - Light Pollution Awareness
- Otago Heritage Bus Society offers special rates for functions held at Pukehiki
- Trees by Powerlines -> Wood chips
Night Shooting for Possum Control
In conjunction with a member of the Bio Diversity Group, Bevan Potter of Sandymount Road is currently undertaking night shooting of possums ( all free of charge ). This is done with permission of land owners and the use of thermal imagery equipment to locate the possums in tree blocks around farm sheds / shelter belts etc. They have found that with the use of this technology they can locate possums in areas that are difficult to trap or have issues with poisons being applied.
If anyone is interested in contacting Bevan to come and have a look and show them how it works, he would be more than happy to help. His cell phone is: 027 2288121
Many hands make light work!
Maarten van Eerten sends out the volunteer lawn mowing roster for the Pukehiki Church/Hall/Library lawns. This job generally takes around 1½ to 2 hrs work (using own lawn mower). Maarten asks if there are any other volunteers happy to join the roster. With just a few more people, this would then mean a turn only once a year.
Any new volunteers please call Maarten on 027 7334240, or flick an email to info@pukehiki.nz
And thanks to all those already participating!
There are a couple of weather stations in the district that provide comprehensive up-to-the-minute information on weather and climatic conditions, plus forecasts and weather history for the region.
Click below to connect to these weather stations:

The Otago Peninsula Biodiversity Group are constantly working at reducing the possum population on the Peninsula.
What you can do:
- Allow OPBG onto your property to check for possum presence.
- Run a trap on your property with OPBG help.
- Become one of OPBG urban coordinators to oversee trap use in your local streets.
Look out for:
- Possum sign in your garden (calls, poos and fur).
- Notices advising of our public meetings and trapping workshops.
Household Tip:
Autumn is a time for mating in possums, leading to a lot of movement as males seek out females. It is also the time for maturity in fruit and nut trees, a sought-after and targeted food source for any possum. So, set your traps under or near these trees, until the produce has fallen. The next seasonal resource to focus on for trapping is winter shelter, especially old macrocarpa trees, gorse, and sheds/garages.
STOP (Save The Otago Peninsula Inc Soc) won an award for the work done on the Broad Bay slip, especially the work done by John Langley over the last few years.
A copy of the application letter (including photos) is available here.
Paul Pope (Otago Peninsula Community Board) has posted more on his website about the involvement of Otago Peninsula folk keeping Dunedin beautiful.

Pukehiki Recycling Drop-off Depot
Pukehiki had a Recycling Center located at the old quarry site near Bloem's farm.
Unfortunately, this service provided by the Dunedin City Council has now been withdrawn.
Milky Way over Dunedin - Light Pollution Awareness
Dunedin is getting new street-lighting in 2016 which are proposed as per the LED lights in Vogel street (see www.dunedin.govt.nz/services/roads-and-footpaths/street-lights-trial). The Dunedin Dark Skies Group are concerned that that these lights are unsuitable for suburban areas because white light has been shown to have adverse health and environmental effects. The group suggests the LED lights under consideration are nearly three times more light-polluting than the present high pressure sodium lights.
Click here for a document on Light Pollution Awareness prepared by Dunedin Dark Skies Group.
The Dunedin City Council invited submissions regarding its 2015-2016 long-term plan. Steve Butler and Mike Broughton of the Dunedin Dark Skies Group made submissions at the hearings. These were well received:
The link below take you to the DCC long-term plan:
See the Pukehiki Community Forum to see or add comments on this topic.

Otago Heritage Bus Society has formed a partnership with the Pukehiki Community, and offers exclusive bus charter rates for social functions held at Pukehiki Church or Hall. This is of value to those holding weddings, receptions, birthday parties, etc at Pukehiki.

Trees by Powerlines -> Wood chips
Peter Collingwood is in charge of Delta's contract on the Peninsula to cut back trees from powerlines.
Peter is looking for places that want woodchips, and Delta will deliver them free of charge around the Peninsula in truckload quantities. Delta will be dumping at the usual quarry site in Broad Bay (maybe other places for other areas too?)
If you have any trees under the major powerlines (these are only on one side of each street) you can also get them cut back for free (you have to sign for this).
Peter Collingwood's contact details are:
ph 03 4741258, cell 027 4344691
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